How to install gcc

less than 1 minute read


Debian-based (Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, etc…)

sudo apt-get install gcc

RPM-based (Red Hat Linux, CentOS, Fedora, openSuse, Mandrake Linux)

sudo yum install gcc


  1. Download MinGW from

  2. Run the executable file and follows the steps.

  3. The installation process will prompt the “MinGW Installation Manager”, with a list of packages. Tick mingw32-gcc-g++-bin and mingw32-gcc-gfortran-bin (if you need Fortran also). If you are prompted with a menu, click on Mark for Install. Then on the top left corner click on Installation > Apply Changes.

  4. After the installation finishes, edit the Enviromental Variables. Search for “Environment Variables” in Windows Search. At the bottom “System Variables” panel, add to the “Path” variable: C:\MinGW\bin or the full address of that folder if you have used a different one during the installation. Click on OK, and OK and close the other windows.

  5. Open a Command Prompt Terminal and try typing gcc –version and press <Enter> to check if it works.


  1. If you don’t have Xcode installed, install it.

  2. Install Command Line Tools for Xcode. Open a terminal window and type:
     xcode-select --install
  3. Install gcc using Homebrew:
     brew update
     brew upgrade
     brew info gcc
     brew install gcc
     brew cleanup



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