Aerospace - External Aerodynamics
2D Cases
NACA-0012 Airfoil
- Experimental data: publically available
- Grids: publically available
- Numerical results: publically available
- Cases:
- M = 0.15
- Re = 6E6
- AoA = -17.3deg. to +17.3deg.
NACA-4412 Airfoil
- Objective: Trailing edge separation.
- Experimental data: publically available
- Grids: publically available
- Numerical results: publically available
- Case:
- M = 0.09
- Re = 1.52E6
- AoA = 13.87 deg.
RAE-2822 Airfoil
- Experimental data: publically available
- Grids: publically available
- Numerical results: publically available
- Case:
- M = 0.725
- Re = 6.5E6
- AoA = 2.92 deg.
NLR Airfoil with Flap
- Experimental data: publically available
- Grids: publically available
- Numerical results: publically available
- Cases:
- M = 0.20
- P = 14.7 Psia
- T = 520 R
- AoA = 10 deg.
Axisymmetric SWBLI near M=7
- Experimental data: publically available
- Grids: not available
- Numerical results: publically available
- Case:
- M = 7.11
- Re = 57060 per cm
- AoA = 20 deg.
3D Cases
Onera M6 Wing
- Experimental data: publically available
- Grids: not available
- Numerical results: publically available
- Case:
- M = 0.8395
- Re = 11.72E6
- AoA = 3.06 deg.
- CFL3D site
ARA M100 Wing-Body
- Experimental data: publically available
- Grids: not available
- Numerical results: publically available
- Case:
- M = 0.8027
- Re = 13.1E6
- AoA = 2.873 deg.
Delta Wing
- Experimental data: publically available
- Grids: not available
- Numerical results: publically available
- Case:
- M = 0.3
- Re = 0.5E6
- AoA = 20.5 deg.
DPW Series
- Experimental data: publically available
- Grids: not available
- Numerical results: publically available
- Case:
- M = 0.8395
- Re = 11.72E6
- AoA = 3.06 deg.
- 2nd AIAA CFD Drag Prediction Workshop
- Model: DLR-F6
- Experimental data: publically available
- Grids: publically available
- Numerical results: publically available
- Cases (required):
- Single point grid convergence study for wb and wbpn
- M = 0.75
- Re = 3E6 (c=141.2 mm)
- CL = .500 ± .001
- “Fully turbulent” solution
- Drag Polar for wb and wbpn
- M = 0.75
- Re = 3E6 (c=141.2 mm)
- AoA (deg.) = -3°, -2°, -1.5°, -1°,0°, 1°, 1.5°
- Boundary layer transition or “fully turbulent”
- Single point grid convergence study for wb and wbpn
- Cases (optional):
- Comparison of “tripped” and “fully turbulent” solutions
- M = 0.75
- Re = 3E6 (c=141.2 mm)
- CL = .500 ± .001
- Drag rise for for wb and wbpn (very optional)
- M = 0.50, 0.60, 0.70, 0.72, 0.74, 0.75, 0.76, 0.77
- CL = 0.500 ± .001
- Comparison of “tripped” and “fully turbulent” solutions
- 3rd AIAA CFD Drag Prediction Workshop
- Model: DLR-F6
- Experimental data: publically available
- Grids: publically available
- Numerical results: publically available
- Cases
- DLR-F6 wb with and without FX2B fairing
- For all cases
- Re = 5E6 (cref = 141.2 mm)
- T = 580R (322.22 K)
- DLR-F6 wb with FX2B fairing and without fairing
- Grid convergence study
- M = 0.75
- CL = 0.500 ±0.001
- Drag polar (medium grid)
- M = 0.75
- AoA = -3, -2, -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5 deg.
- Grid convergence study
- For all cases
- Wing alone comparison: DPW-W1 (baseline) vs. DPW-W2 (simple optimization)
- Re = 5E6 (cref = 197.556 mm)
- T = 580R (322.22 K)
- M = 0.76
- Grid convergence
- AoA = 0.5 deg.
- Drag polar (medium grid)
- AoA = -1, 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 deg.
- DLR-F6 wb with and without FX2B fairing
- 4th AIAA CFD Drag Prediction Workshop
- Model: NASA Common Research Model (CRM)
- Experimental data: publically available
- Grids: publically available
- Numerical results: publically available
- Cases:
- Grid convergence and downwash studies:
- M=0.85
- Re = 5E6 (cref = 275.80 in)
- T = 100F
- Grid convergence study
- CL=0.500 ±0.001
- Downwash study
- Drag Polars for AoA = 0.0, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0 deg.
- Trimmed drag polar (cg at reference center) derived from polars at iH = -2, 0, +2 deg.
- Delta drag polar of tail off vs. tail on (i.e. wb vs. wbh trimmed)
- Mach sweep study (optional):
- Re = 5E6 (cref = 275.80 in)
- T = 100F
- Drag Polars at M = 0.70, 0.75, 0.80, 0.83, 0.85, 0.86, 0.87
- Drag rise curves at CL = 0.400, 0.450, 0.500 (±0.001 or extracted from polars)
- Reynolds number study (optional):
- Compare Re = 5E6 results with Re = 20E6 results (cref = 275.80 in)
- M = 0.85
- CL = 0.500 ±0.001
- T = -250F (for Re = 20E6)
- Grid convergence and downwash studies:
- 5th AIAA CFD Drag Prediction Workshop
- Model: NASA Common Research Model (CRM)
- Experimental data: publically available
- Grids: publically available
- Numerical results: publically available
- Cases:
- Wing-body grid convergence study:
- M = 0.85
- CL = 0.500 ±0.001
- Re = 5E6 (cref = 275.80 in)
- T = 100F
- Provided grid series (required)
- Participant developed grids (optional)
- Wing-body buffet study:
- M = 0.85
- Drag polar for AoA = 2.50, 2.75, 3.00, 3.25, 3.50, 3.75, 4.00 deg.
- Re = 5E6 (cref = 275.80 in)
- T = 100F
- Wing-body grid convergence study:
- 6th AIAA CFD Drag Prediction Workshop
- Model: NASA Common Research Model (CRM)
- Experimental data: publically available
- Grids: publically available
- Numerical results: publically available
- Cases:
- M = 0.85
- Re = 5E6
- CL = 0.5 ±0.001
- 7th AIAA CFD Drag Prediction Workshop
- Model: NASA Common Research Model (CRM)
- Experimental data: publically available
- Grids: publically available
- Numerical results: publically available
- Cases:
- Required
- Case 1: Grid Convergence Study
- Case 2: Alpha Sweeps at Constant Re
- Case 3: Re Sweep at Constant CL
- Optional
- Case 4: Solution-Adapted Grid
- Case 5: Beyond RANS: URANS, DDES, WMLES, Lattice-Boltzmann, etc.
- Case 6: Coupled Aero-Structural Simulation
- Required
HLPW Series
- 1st AIAA CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop
- Model: NASA Trap Wing
- Experimental data: publically available
- Grids: publically available
- Numerical results: publically available
- Cases
- 2nd AIAA CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop
- Model: DLR F-11
- Experimental data: publically available
- Grids: publically available
- Numerical results: publically available
- Cases
- 3rd AIAA CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop
- Model: JAXA JSM
- Experimental data: publically available
- Grids: publically available
- Numerical results: publically available
- Cases
- 4th AIAA CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop
- Model: NASA CRM-HL
- Experimental data: publically available
- Grids: publically available
- Numerical results: publically available
- Cases